Baixar Grátis AC/DC - Live at River Plate
Download Grátis AC/DC - Live at River Plate
Baixar show AC/DC Live at River Plate DVD
1. Rock N Roll Train
2. Hell Ain´t A Bad Place To Be
3. Back In Black
4. Big Jack
5. Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap
6. Shot Down In Flames
7. Thunderstruck
8. Black Ice
9. The Jack
10. Hells Bells
11. Shoot To Thrill
12. War Machine
13. Dog Eat Dog
14. You Shook Me All Night Long
15. T.N.T.
16. Whole Lotta Rosie
17. Let There Be Rock
18. Highway To Hell
19. For Those About To Rock (We Salute You)
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Tamanho:1,87 Gb
Resolução:720 x 400Frame Rate:23,98 Fps
Qualidade de Audio:10
Codec do Vídeo:XviD
Codec do Áudio:AC3
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